Courage beyond Compare · How Ten Athletes Overcame Disability and Adversity to Emerge Champions

Courage beyond Compare · How Ten Athletes Overcame Disability and Adversity to Emerge Champions
Sharma, Sanjay & Sharma, Medini
Rupa Publications
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'sport,at every level,is about excelling. The most exciting and inspiring sports stories are the ones in which a sportsperson has overcome adverse circumstances and excelled at the highest levels. Cricketers who grew up playing in narrow by lanes,tennis players who used empty swimming pools to practice in,footballers who played barefoot because they could not afford shoes, the list is long and impressive. The stories in this book capture the never-say-die spirit of ten athletes who soared in sport despite their physical disability. These are stories that deserve to be told and i am glad that sanjay sharma and medini sharma have devoted an entire book to them.'-salman khan the ten sports people profiled in courage beyond compare - champions in disciplines as diverse as athletics,long-distance swimming,badminton and cricket,who have brought glory to the country both in national and international arenas - overcame immense physical limitations to reach the pinnacle in their chosen fields. Powerful and inspiring,these stories are heart-warming reminders that a strong mind,steely will and dogged determination almost always triumph over the limitations of the human body. At the same time,courage beyond compare brings into sobering focus how far india must still go to ensure an equitable society for the differently able,and how little it cares for the sports people who move heaven and earth for the glory of the nation. Interesting facts a selection of profiles of differently-able athletes,this title will do well in the 'inspirational' space. The author wrote the acclaimed biography of pullela gopi chand which has a fair amount of recall value. The book will appeal to readers who are interested in sports and sport-writing. Salman khan,the actor,has blurbed the book and sanjay sharma will involve him in its launches well. That will grab us a lot of eyeballs.