All The Smoke
Solomon Tate lives by one rule, loyalty over everything and leads by example. Solomon takes care of his people and all he expects in return is for everyone on his team to remain solid. Anyone who refuses to show loyalty no longer earns his favor, family is not exempt.
Kaori Randall embraces one concept. Love and be loved. She is raised by parents and grandparents who are the example of happy healthy relationships. Kaori has high expectations when it came to her own personal happiness which makes the fail of her own love life a huge disappointment.
Instead of allowing herself to wallow in disappointment, Kaori refocuses her efforts into school and work. She hasn’t given up on love but refuses to set herself up for to fail, however, an encounter with a man who defies the exception of everything she believes she wants and deserves once again has Kaori hopeful.
Her heart begins to explore the idea that she just might find her one. Unfortunately the risk feels greater than the reward because she’s not positive she’ll remain standing through all the chaos and destruction once the Smoke clears.