[Black Wings 06] • Black Wings of Cthulhu 6

[Black Wings 06] • Black Wings of Cthulhu 6
Joshi, S.T.
Titan Books
horror , anthologies
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This sixth volume of S. T. Joshi’s acclaimed Black Wings series demonstrates as never before how infinitely malleable are H. P. Lovecraft’s weird conceptions. The twenty-two stories and poems in this book run the gamut of modes and genres, but each of them is fueled by elements large and small drawn from Lovecraft’s inexhaustibly rich corpus of writing.

Cosmicism is central to Lovecraft’s imaginative vision, and it oftentimes is manifested in tales of archaeological horror. In this volume, stories by Ann K. Schwader, Lynne Jamneck, Don Webb, and Stephen Woodworth treat this motif in varying and distinctive ways. Lovecraft’s work is also infused with a profound sense of place, as he himself was attached to the familiar locales of his native New England but also travelled widely in search of new vistas to stimulate his imagination. Here, stories by Tom Lynch, Aaron Bittner, W. H. Pugmire, and Darrell Schweitzer summon up the landscapes of diverse realms in America to tease out the horrors embedded in them.

Alien creatures are featured in many of Lovecraft’s greatest tales. In this volume, William F. Nolan, Nancy Kilpatrick, Steve Rasnic Tem, Jonathan Thomas, and Jason V Brock summon up multiform monsters inspired by Lovecraft’s notions of hybridism and alien incursion. The forbidden book theme is deftly handled by Caitlín R. Kiernan, and the notion of other worlds lying just around the corner from our own is the subject of stories by Donald Tyson and Mark Howard Jones. Finally, David Hambling cleverly adapts Lovecraftian concepts to the locked-room detective story.

In commemorating the incredible efflorescence of weird poetry in our time, this book presents poems by four leading contemporary poets—Ashley Dioses, K. A. Opperman, Adam Bolivar, and D. L. Myers. Each of their works fuses skilful use of rhyme and metre with compact evocations of Lovecraftian themes. H. P. Lovecraft’s work is likely to continue inspiring writers for many generations, and this volume presents a vivid snapshot of what can be said in this idiom by sensitive and talented authors.


Introduction S. T. Joshi

Pothunters Ann K. Schwader

The Girl in the Attic Darrell Schweitzer

The Once and Future Waite Jonathan Thomas

Oude Goden Lynne Jamneck

Carnivorous William F. Nolan

On a Dreamland’s Moon Ashley Dioses

Teshtigo Creek Aaron Bittner

Ex Libris Caitlín R. Kiernan

You Shadows That in Darkness Dwell Mark Howard Jones

The Ballad of Asenath Waite Adam Bolivar

The Visitor Nancy Kilpatrick

The Gaunt Tom Lynch

Missing at the Morgue Donald Tyson

The Shard Don Webb

The Mystery of the Cursed Cottage David Hambling

To Court the Night K. A. Opperman

To Move Beneath Autumnal Oaks W. H. Pugmire

Mister Ainsley Steve Rasnic Tem

Satiety Jason V Brock

Provenance Unknown Stephen Woodworth

The Well D. L. Myers