[Gutenberg 50122] • The Glorious Return: A Story of the Vaudois in 1689

[Gutenberg 50122] • The Glorious Return: A Story of the Vaudois in 1689
Temple, Crona
Vecchie Letture
waldenses -- fiction
1.10 MB
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\- Interactive index.

\- 24 illustrations.

Clara Lavinia Corfield (1846-1916) was born in Broughton, Hampshire, England. Her parents were Rev. Frederick Corfield and Sarah Weller Channer. Rev. Corfield was Rector of Templecrone, Ireland for most of Clara's childhood. It is assumed her pen name, Crona Temple, came from this town she grew up in. She devoted her life to writing books.

It is nearly two hundred years since the long persecutions of the Church in the Alpine valleys ended in their ‘Glorious Return’ from exile, and their gain of liberty of conscience and freedom from the yoke of Rome. It is but right that in 1889 Protestant countries should unite in offering sympathy and brotherly help to the Waldensian Church in its time of commemoration. Two hundred years ago, Britain, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, and the Protestants of France vied with each other in showing their generous love for these sorely-tried children of God. And in these happier times it is well to turn back the history page, to learn what it was that stirred the hearts of our forefathers; to learn what manner of woe it was that the Vaudois endured; to read how the God they served did not suffer them to be tempted beyond what they were able to bear, but — giving them the high honour of bearing witness to His truth, He comforted them at last with His gifts of freedom and of peace. It is in such memories that nations may learn their lessons of truest wisdom. Christianity should be national as well as individual: the Heavenly King demands service from nations as well as from hearts. And it is right that, though the Waldenses are foreigners, and a people of but small account on Europe’s muster-roll, their bi-centenary should waken echoes in England; such echoes as God wills that noble deeds should stir throughout all time.