[Galactic Lust 03] • Taming a Healer

[Galactic Lust 03] • Taming a Healer
Lash, Kathleen
Ellora's Cave
science fiction
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Galactic Lust, Book Three Governance Hunter Gabriel Ryker is dying. His partner, Nolan, is obliged to stay with him until his illness transforms him into a mindless killer. That's when Nolan will end Gabriel's life-thus is the fate of all hunters. As Gabriel prepares to face death, a plea for help from the planet Natura is received from the only woman he's ever cared about. Sadie's planet is infested with vile creatures that are growing in numbers daily. When beckoning the Governance for assistance, she never expects a lone pair of hunters to answer her call. Gabriel, Nolan and Sadie take refuge in the only safe place-a cave. Stuck together until help arrives, old misunderstandings are dealt with and discarded. The only thing left between them is the searing flames of desire from a decade ago. Sadie learns the boundaries of a hunter. They remain paired for life in all circumstances, especially sexual situations. In order to have Gabriel, she must accept Nolan too. A Romantica(r) Sci-Fi erotic romance from Ellora's Cave