Presidential Heat · Vampire Government Protectors

Presidential Heat · Vampire Government Protectors
Smith, Faith V.
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
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Kira Jackson, former Marine and vampire, is close to achieving her goal of becoming a Government Vampire Protector—or she will be if President Gareth Hayes drops his attitude toward women agents. It's a good thing he has no clue what he does to her body. Her physical attraction to the sexy widower is just the enamel off her fangs when Kira discovers Gareth could be her soul mate for eternity. Gareth is forced to have a protective agent after terrorists target him. But no way will he allow the sexy Agent Jackson to fill that position. However, he changes his mind when White House security is breached. Now Kira is ordering him around, and when Air Force One goes down, she proves she's more than capable of doing her job. But what is he going to do about his growing fascination with her? Circumstances and the media toss Kira and Gareth into a shady limelight and into matrimony to save their reputations. Kira's secret comes out and both he and Kira must decide if love will be enough to overcome "death do us part" with a vampire.