Ghosts of Heaven · Flüstern im Dunkeln

Ghosts of Heaven · Flüstern im Dunkeln
Sedgwick, Marcus
DTV - Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag
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Abgründig, verstörend und betörend

England zur Zeit der Hexenverfolgung. Anna Tunstall ist schön, blutjung, und ihre roten Haare sind im ganzen Dorf bekannt. Genauso wie die Arbeit ihrer Mutter, die den Nachbarn gegen Wehwehchen hilft, sie mit Salben, Tinkturen und Kräutern versorgt. Doch dann stirbt die Mutter, und Anna bleibt mit ihrem kleinen Bruder allein zurück. Und plötzlich ändert sich - auch mit Erscheinen eines neuen Pfarrers in der Gemeinde - die Stimmung im Dorf. War Anna nicht schon immer auffällig? Ist ihretwegen nicht ein Kind gestorben? Eine junge Frau steht vor der Anklage. Mit dramatischen Folgen. Es ist eine von vier Geschichten, die in vier Jahrhunderten spielen und die Marcus Sedgwick virtuos zu einem großen Ganzen verwebt. Ghosts of Heaven konfrontiert den Leser mit seinen ureigenen Ängsten und Albträumen. Und die Lektüre geht unter die Haut.

Ein moderner Schauerroman, der uns an die Grenzen des Menschlichen und unseres Verstandes führt. Für den Leser ergeben sich 24 Möglichkeiten, das Buch zu lesen und seine eigene Geschichte darin zu finden.


### Pressestimmen


"Four short stories, thematically related by images of the spiral form that snakes its way through each to obsess a protagonist, flash across time in this thought-provoking collection." - "BCCB"

." . . satisfyingly brain-teasing." -" The Horn Book"

*"Sedgwick is one of the most sophisticated, thought-provoking voices in YA novels, and like his Printz winning "Midwinterblood," this presents a story told in pieces over a span of centuries." - "Booklist," STARRED REVIEW

*"Like his Printz Award-winning "Midwinterblood," the prolific Sedgwick's latest work consists of individual tales spanning centuries of time connected only by a single thread - in this case a shape; the spiral . . . At once prosaic and wondrously metaphysical, Sedgwick's novel will draw teens in and invite them to share in the awe-inspiring (and sometimes terrifying) order and mystery that surround us all." - "School Library Journal," STARRED REVIEW

*"Similar to Sedgwick's Printz Award-winning "Midwinterblood," four stories relate in elusive ways . . . this complex masterpiece is for sophisticated readers of any age. Haunting." - "Kirkus Reviews," STARRED REVIEW

"Readers who like untangling puzzles will enjoy parsing the threads knitting together this corkscrew of tales." - "Publishers Weekly"


2014 Michael L. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature



A Printz Honor book

Four short stories, thematically related by images of the spiral form that snakes its way through each to obsess a protagonist, flash across time in this thought-provoking collection. "BCCB"

. . . satisfyingly brain-teasing. "The Horn Book"

* Sedgwick is one of the most sophisticated, thought-provoking voices in YA novels, and like his Printz winning "Midwinterblood," this presents a story told in pieces over a span of centuries. "Booklist, STARRED REVIEW"

* Like his Printz Award-winning "Midwinterblood," the prolific Sedgwick's latest work consists of individual tales spanning centuries of time connected only by a single thread - in this case a shape; the spiral . . . At once prosaic and wondrously metaphysical, Sedgwick's novel will draw teens in and invite them to share in the awe-inspiring (and sometimes terrifying) order and mystery that surround us all. "School Library Journal, STARRED REVIEW"

* Similar to Sedgwick's Printz Award-winning "Midwinterblood," four stories relate in elusive ways . . . this complex masterpiece is for sophisticated readers of any age. Haunting. "Kirkus Reviews, STARRED REVIEW"

Readers who like untangling puzzles will enjoy parsing the threads knitting together this corkscrew of tales. "Publishers Weekly"

A tale for the ages, expertly spun and completely satisfying. "Eoin Colfer, New York Times Book Review on Midwinterblood"

Its strange spell will capture you. "Booklist, starred review on Midwinterblood"

The Time traveler's Wife meets Lost in this chilling exploration of love and memory. "Kirkus, starred review on Midwinterblood"

A story that's simultaneously romantic, tragic, horrifying, and transcendental. "Publishers Weekly, starred review on Midwinterblood""

### Werbetext

**Shortlisted for the CILIP Carnegie Medal 2016, this mesmerising and mysterious novel ****by Printz Award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick ****is written in four ****cleverly interlinked ****parts and can be read in 24 different ways. Spanning ****thousands of years,**** *****The Ghosts of Heaven* can tell us a secret as old as time, about survival, discovery, and the effect of the spiral - a symbol that has no end - on all our lives. **