[Gutenberg 37272] • Stage-coach and Tavern Days

[Gutenberg 37272] • Stage-coach and Tavern Days

Travel in the South in the Thirties. Frontispiece. STAGE-COACH-AND TAVERN-DAYS By ALICE MORSE EARLE Author of Home Life in Colonial Days Child Life in Colonial Days, and other Social and Domestic Histories of Colonial Times ef Long ago, at the end of the route, The stage pulled up, and the folks stepped out. They have all passed under the tavern door The youth and his bride and the gray three-score. Their eyes were weary with dust and gleam, The day had gone like an empty dream. Soft may they slumber, and trouble no more For their eager journey, its jolt and roar, In the old coach over the mountain NEW YORK THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON MACMILLAN CO., LTD. 1901 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped October, 1900. Reprinted January, igoi March, 1901. Norivood Press J. S. Gushing Co. Berwick Smith Norwood, Mass., TO MT HUSBAND HENRT EARLE Contents Chapter Page I. The Puritan Ordinary , I II. Old-time Taverns . . . , . .30 III. The Tavern Landlord . . , . .62 IV. Tavern Fare and Tavern Ways . . .76 V. Kill-devil and its Affines . . . .100 VI. Small Drink . . . . . .121 VIIc Signs and Symbols . . . .138 VIII. The Tavern in War 170 IX. The Tavern Panorama ..... 194 X. From Path to Turnpike , . . . .223 XI. Packhorse and Conestoga Wagon . . . 241 XII. Early Stage-coaches and Other Vehicles . . 253 XIII. Two Stage Veterans of Massachusetts . .291 XIV. A Staging Centre 308 XV. The Stage-driver . . . . . .320 XVI. The Romance of the Road . . . . 340 XVII. The Pains of Stage-coach Travel . . . 361. XVIII. Knights of the Road 373 XIX. Tavern Ghosts ..,,.. 409 List of Illustrations Travel in the South in the Thirties. From painting by Edward Lamson Henry, N. A. . . . Frontispiece Page Ordinary at Duxbury, Mass. ..... 3 Taproom Furnishings of an Old Ordinary. Owned by Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, Providence, R. I. . . 7 Oldest House in Easton, Mass. once an Ordinary . . 10 Leather Black-jack . . . .14 Tavern Bill against East Church, Salem, Mass. Owned by Essex Institute . . . . .16 Taproom of Wayside Inn, Sudbury, Mass. . . .19 Buckman Tavern, 1690, Lexington, Mass. . . 23 Hound-handle Tavern Pitcher ..... 26 Sign-board of Hayden Tavern, Essex, Conn. Owned by Connecticut Historical Society . . . .28 Indian Queen Tavern, Bladensburg, Md. From painting by Edward Lamson Henry, N. A. . . . facing 32 Old Road House, Md 34 Plate, City Hotel, N. Y., Staffordshire Ware . . 38 Catos House, N. Y. From an old print . . .41 Washington Tavern, Westfield, Mass 43 Door Latch, Washington Tavern, Westfield, Mass. . . 45 Wadsworth Inn, Hartford, Conn. Photographed by Mr. George C. Atwell, Hartford, Conn. ... 47 Taproom, Wadsworth Inn, Hartford, Conn. . . 5 1 Fountain Inn, Medford, Mass. . . . - 54 x List of Illustrations Page Sign-board of N. Mowrys Inn, Lime Rock, R. I. Owned by Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, Providence, R. I. . 57 Pine-tree Tavern and Eagle Tavern, East Poultney, Vt. . 59 Sign-board of Washington Hotel, Salem, Mass. Owned by Essex Institute . . . . , . .63 Sign-board of Hays Tavern, West Brattleboro, Vt. . . 65 Cooper Tavern, Arlington, Mass. . . . .68 Travellers Rest, Shelby ville, Ky., 1783 , . . 71 Millers Tavern, Lancaster, Penn. . . . - 73 Ellery Tavern, front, Gloucester, Mass. . . . 79 Ellery Tavern, lean-to, Gloucester, Mass. . . .83 Bill of CromwelPs Head Tavern, Boston, Mass. Owned by Mrs. H. M. Hunt, Kingston, R. I. . . facing 86 Bill of Fare of City Hotel, Hartford, Conn. Owned by Mr. George F. Ives, Danbury, Conn. . . ,89 Platter, Mendenhall Ferry and Tavern, Schuylkill River, Penn. Owned by Miss Frances C. Morse, Worces ter, Mass. . . . . . . .93 Collins Tavern, Naugatuck, Conn. Photographed by Mr, George C. At well, Hartford, Conn. . . .97 Old Rum Bottles . . . . . . .102 Burgoyne Tavern, Westfield, Mass. . . . .106 Tavern Pitcher, Happy Farmer, Crouch Ware. . . 109 Flip Glasses, Loggerhead and Toddy Stick. Owned by Pocumtuck Valley Historical Association . . ...