The Spirit of the Purple Cow

The Spirit of the Purple Cow
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A vital ingredient is missing from many that is robbing them of the potential for dynamic growth. No, it's not the art of great leadership, but the art of great followship. A leader must model their vision and provide a great example to follow - but more important for health, growth and vitality is followers who really know how to follow.Drawing from the biblical story of Jonathan and his armour bearer and the lessons learned from Breathe City Church's explosive growth over a short period of time, James Galloway guides us through the essential characteristics of great followship and presents a completely different paradigm for church growth. "An inspiration to all who both lead and follow. This book will challenge some preconceived notions about the way church should be done."Stephen Matthew, Abundant Life Church "James Galloway is creative, courageous and compassionate, and what God is doing at and through Breathe City Church is compelling and challenging. Read it out of curiosity - the breadcrumbs you pick up have the potential of multiplying."Canon J John, Philo Trust "Wise people invest time in things that have the potential to both challenge, help and change them. That is why you should read this book."David Shearman, Christian Centre, Nottingham About the author: James Galloway, with his wife Becky, are Lead Pastors at Breathe City Church, Stoke on Trent, a fast-paced, fast-growing multi-site church across the city and region. James is the author of From Beach Hut to Palace: a story of church repurposed.