Along the Wheel of Time

Along the Wheel of Time
Laxer, Judith
Booktrope Editions
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A young woman follows her lover and finds her calling in the realm of the dead, a first-time mother gives birth on the Winter solstice; a daughter's grief heals in a Spring-time garden;, a joyous ceremony of mature sexuality celebrates the peak of Summer: these stories explore magickal realism in ordinary life. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Along the Wheel of Time: Sacred Stories for Nature Lovers tells eight short stories, one for each of the natural Earth holy days called sabbats. Through the experience of the characters, these stories demonstrate how the changing of the seasons is a spiritual model for the soul. "Rev. Judith Laxer's Along the Wheel of Time: Sacred Stories for Nature Lovers seamlessly melds the mythic journey of the seasonal holy days to sacred stories of diverse human relationships. Through the mirror of Judith's storytelling this unique juxtaposition transforms the mundane to sacred, and the sacred mysteries deepen." - Ruth Barrett, author of Women's Rites, Women's Mysteries: Intuitive Ritual Creation. "In Along the Wheel of Time: Sacred Stories for Nature Lovers the personal and the mythical intertwine, which is how sacred story should be. Page after page, Judith Laxer pours out the mystery of time and being like a wondrous broth and on it we dine. We are served nourishment through our seasons from her lips, from her heart, from the voices that move through her from beyond the veils of time." -Normandi Ellis, author of Awakening Osiris: the Egyptian Book of the Dead "Along the Wheel of Time: Sacred Stories for Nature Lovers beautifully illuminates the heart of earth-based spiritual practice. Rev. Laxer, a contemporary Priestess, weaves stories of modern life infused with the sacred and with ancient ways of worship. I loved this book." -Shawna Carol, author of The Way of Song: A Guide to Freeing the Voice and Sounding the Spirit