[Cherry Delight 03] • Silverfinger

[Cherry Delight 03] • Silverfinger

Mature Content.

Originally printed in 1969.


I'm Cherry Delight and I'm good at what I do. No boast, just fact. With revolver or automatic I can put six out of six in a bullseye, or a body. My hair is naturally red-hence the Cherry—and a Delight is what I am for people I like, or those I want to destroy. Mostly I want to destroy the Mafia, and that's why I'm top agent for N.Y.M.P.H.O. (otherwise known as the NEW YORK MAFIA PROSECUTION AND HARASSMENT ORGANIZATION). I love sex and I hate the Mob. I break the old guys backs and the young guys hearts—usually with a bullet. I can speak six languages and kill without saying a word. This time I go after the Mob's too executive in Southern Italy. Silverfinger. is his name and cruelty is his kick. But two can play that game—and they don't call me Champ for nothing.