The Twisted Sisters Knit Sweaters

The Twisted Sisters Knit Sweaters
Lynne Vogel
F+W Media
9.59 MB
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Adapting basic sweater patterns for personal preferences and measurements is the focus of this step-by-step guidebook that helps knitters refashion knitting schematics. The designs, illustrations, and photos demonstrate how to adjust patterns to different styles so that any knitter can customize sweater patterns into unique creations. Challenging projects - ranging from sweaters and vests to pullovers and jackets - and easy-to-follow instructions illustrate the basic elements of sweater design to inspire knitters at all levels. Learning how to fit the bodice; change yarns, proportions, neckline styles, sleeve length, and color and stitch patterns; and add collars and edgings will give knitters the confidence to alter any pattern to meet their needs.