Stepdork · New house. New mother. New brother, new... lover?

Stepdork · New house. New mother. New brother, new... lover?
Murphy, A.E.
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Raven and Travis sitting in a tree, doing things they shouldn’t be.

HA… yeah, right.

Raven hates her stepbrother with a passion, and she’s certain Travis returns the sentiment because he makes life at home with him hell.

He ruined her favorite T-shirt, damn it.

He’s a stepdork who plays weird board games with his dweebish buddies, and she’s a party-hard female who spends the majority of time with her equally party-hard girls. Travis excels at school, particularly science; Raven can’t remember the last time she did homework or attended a class without playing on her phone.

They couldn’t be more opposite if they tried.

So why does her heart skip a beat when he graces her with a rare smile?

Why does it race when he surprises her with an unexpected moment of kindness?

Living together is probably going to get messy.

Not that Raven cares because… drama.
