[The Story Within Booklets 01] • The Heroic Alphabet

[The Story Within Booklets 01] • The Heroic Alphabet
Rasley, Alicia
нонфикшн , creative writing
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This booklet for writers (particularly those who will have a romance in their story) presents a new view of the types of heroes. This interactive guide defines four popular styles of heroes: The Alpha leader, the Delta outlaw, the Theta wounded artist, the Beta best buddy.

For each, the booklet explores the origin and extent of possible conflicts, the types of heroines drawn to this hero, and questions that can help chart the character's journey.

If you are writing a story with a heroic male character, this is the booklet for you. Rasley, a nationally known writing teacher, is known for her intense character focus and ability to pose provocative and intriguing questions about your story.