90+ Smoothies

90+ Smoothies

Juice fasting and detoxification consumer and author Juliana Baldec loves sharing her love and passion for these powerful blender recipes (Nutribullet recipes) and health elixirs that include drinking and eating clean superfoods ingredients like beet juice, apple cider vinegar, leafy kale and spinach, coconut water, ginger root, hemp seeds and hemp milk, coconut milk, chia seeds, raw honey, leafy kale & spinach, carrots full of beta carotene and many other clean eating superfoods. Anti-aging, natural ability to heal itself, energizing and regulating your hormones, helping neutralize free radicals in our body and brain, satisfying your daily supply of the cancer fighting mineral selenium, helping with digestive enzymes, treating fungal bacteria in the body like candida, boosting your energy level to fight against fatigue and illnesses, loosing weight and keep it off are just a few of the truly unlimited health benefits that you can tap into if you adapt your lifestyle adequately and if you integrate these clean eating and juice fast detox drinks into your daily meal plan. When she got started with her eating clean and juice fast ritual, she was able to beat her Asthma health problems and breathing problems that she has been suffering from for many painful years. Losing 20 pounds during a period of 2 month was just a side benefit that happened as she continued her new lifestyle with clean eating and fast juicing. Weight loss and weight maintenance are just two powerful benefits that kind of come as a pleasant side effect of a disease and toxin free body. Tap into Juliana's secret today and find out how she turned these nutritious and satisfying clean eating/clean drinking and juice fast detox drinks into a way of life and got rid of her nasty Asthma and breathing problems while simultaneously losing 20 pounds during a 2 month period as a surprising side benefit.