[The Shadow 01] • La Sombra Viviente

[The Shadow 01] • La Sombra Viviente
Grant, Maxwell
crimen , thriller , misterio , adventure , mystery , pulp
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Maxwell Grant's The Living Shadow is the first of the famous stories that made a household phrase of "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!" Here is the is the sinister nemesis of crime in all his glory: swirling black cloak shrouding his body, black slouch-hat pulled low over his face, only a hawk-nose and two burning eyes visible beneath its brim, a forty-five automatic blazing death at the forces of villainy from each black gloved fist - while he makes a seemingly impossible escape as the crash of a burning building seems to spell certain death! In this celebrated novel, a decent young man named Harry Vincent is about to end his life over failed business ventures and the loss of his girl, when a mysterious figure in a dark limousine plucks him from the jaws of death and offers him a second chance to make good as a member of an secret network of crime-fighters. When he is captured by the very criminal gang he was sent to spy on, Harry Vincent's doom seems sealed - until the darkness of the room suddenly echoes with the eerie, mocking laughter of the Shadow!Cover design: J. L. "Frankie" Hill]