[Gutenberg 13882] • John Thorndyke's Cases / related by Christopher Jervis / and edited by R. Austin Freeman

[Gutenberg 13882] • John Thorndyke's Cases / related by Christopher Jervis / and edited by R. Austin Freeman

With this story we are at the beginnings of the literature on the scientific police investigations. This ebook is an extract from "John Thorndyke's Cases", published in 1909, which collects some of best Dr. Thorndyke's crime investigations. This edition contains the original illustrations of the novel, a detailed biography including all the publications of the Author and a brief biography. Thorndyke lives in London, at 5A of King's Bench Walk, in the Inner Temple. In his house, in addition to his apartment, there's a fully equipped laboratory for chemical investigation, photographic, microscopic and other.






The stranger’s latchkey
