Beyond the Gate

Beyond the Gate
Mary SanGiovanni
Lyrical Press
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Kathy Ryan's work as an occult investigator often leads her to the outskirts of society, law, and even reality . . . Knowing that other dimensions exist is one thing. Venturing into them is quite another. In the course of its experiments, Paragon Corpa government-sourced theoretical physics research institutehas discovered a supposedly empty alternate world. There is strange, alien flora but seemingly no sentient beings . . . just a huge, abandoned city that a team of scientists is sent to explore. Then the scientists disappear. Kathy Ryan is hired to make her first foray into an alternate dimension in order to locate the team, bring them back, and close the gate for good. Instead, she discovers that this supposedly dead city may be nothing of the kind. Her rescue mission has become a terrifying race to prevent the potential destruction of the boundary between two worldsbefore mayhem reigns over both . . . Praise for...