[Gutenberg 37957] • Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action

[Gutenberg 37957] • Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action
Marsh, George P.
University of Michigan Library
nature -- effect of human beings on , science , human geography , history , physical geography , conservation of natural resources
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CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. HATur.At, advantages 01? Tin: TKiiarronT op the roman empire-PHYSical decay OF THAT TKttKITORY AND OF OTHER parts of the OLD WOULD -CACSES OF thk decay-NEIV SCHOOL of GEOGRArnEIIS-reaction op MAN UPON NATURE-OBSERVATION OK NATURE-COSMICAL AND geological INFLUENCES-QEOGIIAPIHCAL INFLUENCE OF MAX-VNCERTAI.NTY OF odr MKTKOIiOLOGIC.-.L knowledge*^-MECHANICAL effects PRODUCED BY mas on TI1E SURFACE OF the EARTH-IMPORTANCE and POSSIBILITY OF PHYSical RESTORATION-STABILITY OF XATCRE-RESTORATION OP DISTURBED IIARMOMKS- DKSTKCCTIVKNESS OF man-PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT-ntTMAJf AND BRUTE ACTION COMPARED-F0RM3 and FORMATIONS MOST LIABLE to physical degradation-physical decay of HEW countries-CORRUPT INFLUENCE OF PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, note. Natural Advantages of the Territory of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire, at the period of its greatest expansion, comprised the regions of the earth most distinguished by a happy combination of physical advantages. The provi

**Table of Contents**

TABLE OF CONTENTS; CHAPTER I ; INTRODUCTORY; Katural Advantages of the Territory of the Reman Empire-Physical Decay of that Territory and of other parts of the Old World-Causes of the Decay-New School of Geographers-Reaction of Man upon Nature-Observation of Nature -Cosmical and Geological Influences-Geographical Influence of Man-Uncertainty of our Meteorological Knowledge-Mechanical Effects produced by Man on the surface of the Earth-Importance and Possibility of Physical Restoration -Stability of Nature-Restoration of Disturbed Harmonies-Destructirencss of Man-Physical Improvement-ITuman and Brute Action Compared-Forms and Formations most liable to Physical Degradation-Physical Decay of New Couutries-Corrupt Influence of Private Corporations, Note, 1; CHAPTER n; TRANSFER, MODIFICATION, ASD EXTIRPATION OF VEGETABLE AND OF ANIMAL SPECIES; Modern Geography'embraces Organic Life-Transfer of Vegetable Life-Foreign Plants grown i