Guns, Magic & Steel · Justice Served

Guns, Magic & Steel · Justice Served
Ross, Jaeger
RZR Digital LLC
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Guns, Magic & Steel is the story of the rise and fall of mighty civilizations in a universe filled with threats secret and elegant or primal and overt. Magic and gunpowder are used in equal measure as the world relies on magic-based technology. The world has elements of steampunk, magitech, action/adventure, and epic fantasy.

The questions are asked and answered following the story of Rhivan Locke, a captain of a counter-magic special operations force for the Uttarang Empire. Conscripted at the age of 18, Rhivan has fought and killed over fields of battle, in urban centers, over the seas establishing colonies, and suppressing indigenous populations. The Empire pointed its bayonet and Rhivan Locke and his squad The Damn Bloody Rooks did their job, serving out their conscription, waiting for the opportunity to leave the killing behind and go home.

If it was only that easy, The Uttarang Empire is a cesspool of violence, politics, intrigue, assassination, and secret wars fought between political factions within its borders. The Empire has been in constant wars of aggression and expansion pursuing its manifest destiny to rule the civilized world. Rhivan Locke is a weapon forged to further this goal but how much blood and tyranny can any man take.

Rhivan and the Bloody Rooks discover that their final mission, the last assignment before they finish their conscription is not the end but the beginning. How far can the Empire push a person before the weapon turns on its master? Rhivan, now a man, desires freedom and he will destroy an Empire to get it even if he has to walk through fields of bodies, and rivers of blood.

Guns, Magic & Steel - The Series

GMS will be released as a serialized series of fantasy. As a lifelong fan of epic fantasy, I have become increasingly annoyed with the extended release schedules. Probably like you, I have waited years upon years for fantasy authors to release the next book. Our goal with GMS is to publish books quickly and tell the story in action-packed slices of the story.


Authors who have influenced my work are Brandon Sanderson, Frank Herbert, George RR Martin, Brian McClellan, R Scott Bakker, Patrick Rothfuss, Chris Fox, Robert Jordan, Peter Brett, David Gemmell, Mark Lawrence, Brent Weeks, etc.

Those are my influences, you probably understand my agitation with extended-release schedules and long waits.

Things to Know

The book has a fair amount of cursing and surly language. I deal with racial issues, ethnic supremacy, and similar topics in the book. I do not believe it is gratuitous, and I do not think it would prevent enjoyment but I would rather the potential reader know up front.

I hope you enjoy my work. I look forward to hearing from you.