12 Extra Tips for Writing

12 Extra Tips for Writing

What do you give to the writer who has everything? More tips. People like 'tips' format books. They are entertaining. And this can be no matter if you already know a lot. This book includes tips from later on in a writer's career. As well, it is possibly eye-opening reading for beginners. It adds to the two first 'writing tips' books of 12 Tips for Writing and !2 More Tips for Writing. As well, Earnest Long has written a fair number of books on writing, managing your time and other topics for would-be writers and those who have already tried their hand with more or less success. This book can be read on its own and his latest book on writing. It is a miscellany of things he could not include in his first books because he was still writing fiction and other books and had not put pen to paper for these collection of extra tips.