[Gutenberg 50739] • Our Monthly Devotions

[Gutenberg 50739] • Our Monthly Devotions
Lings, Albert A.
catholic church -- prayers and devotions
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Consider the Holy Family on this day. They rise early to make preparations to proceed to the Temple to fulfil the law of God given to Moses, that every male child of the Jewish nation should be circumcised. Let us accompany them in spirit to the Temple, and witness God's providence working plainly in behalf of His divine Son. To-day the Child Jesus is circumcised. A painful operation is performed on the body of the pure and holy Babe which was formed in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Jesus knew that by this ceremony He subjected Himself to the Law, and the observance of all the dictates of a life regulated by it. Be you also subject to the law of God, hard though it may be to man's corrupt nature. The life of a Christian will be a difficult one if you are not good and pious. It will be hard for you to pray, to fast, to go to Mass, or confession. Only by submitting to the law of God will you learn to bear your burdens patiently, willingly, and joyfully. Remember you are not carrying your cross alone, for the great Bearer of the cross, Our Lord Jesus Christ, will help you: He Who has said, “My yoke is sweet and My burden light.”


O God, Who, by the fruitful virginity of Blessed Mary, hast bestowed on mankind the rewards of eternal salvation, grant, we beseech Thee, that we may experience the intercession of her through whom we have had the happiness to receive the Author of life, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.