Convict Conditioning 2

Convict Conditioning 2
Wade, Paul
Dragon Door Publications
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In his sequel, Convict Conditioning 2, Coach Wade takes us even deeper into the subtle nuances of training with the ultimate resistance tool: our bodies. With an amazing understanding of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology, Coach Wade explains very simply how to work the smaller but just as important areas of the body such as the hands and forearms, neck and calves and obliques in serious functional ways.His minimalist approach to exercise belies the complexity of his system and the deep insight into exactly how the body works and the best way to get from A to Z in the shortest time possible.Sprinkled throughout the entire book are too-many-to-count insights and advice from a man who has come to his knowledge the hard way and knows exactly of what he speaks. But what Coach Wade does better than any before him is his unbelievable progressions on every exercise and stretch.ForewordThe Many Roads to Strength by Brooks Kubik IIIOpening Salvo: Chewing Bubblegum and Kicking Ass V1. Introduction: Put Yourself Behind Bars VIIPART I: SHOTGUN MUSCLEHands and Forearms2: Iron Hands and Forearms: Ultimate Strength--with Just Two Techniques3: The Hang Progressions: A Vice-Like Bodyweight Grip Course 154: Advanced Grip Torture: Explosive Power + Titanium Fingers 395: Fingertip Pushups: Keeping Hand Strength Balanced 476: Forearms into Firearms: Hand Strength 57A Summary and a ChallengeLateral Chain7: Lateral Chain Training: Capturing the Flag 638: The Clutch Flag: In Eight Easy Steps 719: The Press Flag: In Eight Not-So-Easy Steps 89Neck and Calves10. Bulldog Neck: Bulletproof Your Weakest Link 11311. Calf Training: Ultimate Lower Legs--No Machines Necessary 131PART II: BULLETPROOF JOINTS12. Tension-Flexibility: The Lost Art of Joint Training 14913: Stretching-the Prison Take: Flexibility, Mobility, Control 16314. The Trifecta: Your Secret Weapon for Mobilizing Stiff, Battle-Scarred Physiques--for Life 17315: The Bridge Hold Progressions: The Ultimate Prehab/Rehab Technique18916: The L-Hold Progressions: Cure Bad Hips and Low Back-Inside-Out 21117: Twist Progressions: Unleash Your Functional Triad 225PART III: WISDOM FROM CELLBLOCK G18. Doing Time Right: Living the Straight Edge 22519. The Prison Diet: Nutrition and Fat Loss Behind Bars 23720. Mendin' Up: The 8 Laws of Healing 25321. The Mind: Escaping the True Prison 271!BONUS CHAPTER! Pumpin' Iron in Prison: Myths, Muscle and Misconceptions 285