[Bark 02] • Enemies and Allies

[Bark 02] • Enemies and Allies
Peyton, Daniel
Cosby Media Productions
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The Hero Learning Curve Just Got Wider

As Bark enrolls as a full-time student of the UCH, he becomes well acquainted with the art of being a hero, as well as making new friends and falling in love. Unfortunately, the plight of the outside world waits for no one, not even a Super-Normal. And as expected, there are enemies around every corner. Soon, Bark finds himself in great danger as the entire UCH is put at risk of completely being overrun and obliterated by a surprising menace. As Bark continues to master his super-powers, many questions will remain: Who among the UCH has betrayed everyone and who is willing to pay dearly just to get their hands on the UCH’s newest hero? More importantly, can Bark save the UCH when all the students are turned against him?