Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics

Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics
Mittal, V.K. & Verma, R.C. & Gupta, S.C.
Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited
nuclear , general , physics , science
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Key Features Contains actual experimental data. Includes a large number of solved problems to help students comprehend the concepts with ease. Provides answers to unsolved problems. Gives review questions to test the students comprehension of the subject. About the Book: Introduction To Nuclear and Particle Physics: 3rd Edition This thoroughly revised book, now in its third edition, continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to this increasingly important area of nuclear and particle physics. It combines coverage of basic concepts, principles and applications, along with the latest developments. Beginning with the historical developments of the subject, properties and constituents of the nucleus, quantitative facts about nucleus, etc., the book moves on to give insights into nuclear models, phenomenon of radioactivity and its applications in various fields, nuclear reactions including reactions in sun and stars, photoelectric and Compton effects, pair production, particle accelerators and types of radiation detectors. The text also presents an extensive discussion on elementary particles and their fundamental reactions, fundamental forces, conservation laws and the quark model. Besides updating and revising the existing text, the new edition amplifies several sections across the book for easy understanding of the topics discussed. The text is designed for the students of B.Sc. (Physics), though it can also serve as introductory review material for M.Sc. (Physics) students. Contents Preface Preface to the First Edition 1. The Nucleus 2. Nuclear Models 3. Radioactivity 4. Nuclear Reactions 5. Interaction of Radiations with Matter 6. Particle Accelerators 7. Radiation Detectors 8. Particle Physics 9. Cosmic Rays Appendix A Useful Constants Appendix B The Periodic Table Appendix C Table of Elements Appendix D Myths and Realities Index About the Authors: V. K Mittal , R. C Verma , S.C. Gupta V. K Mittal PhD, is Professor of Physics at Punjabi University, Pat