Sewer Mayhem

Sewer Mayhem

When an unobtrusive shop owner gets murdered, Jacob Hicks and Emily are drawn into solving the mystery. The situation grows worse when a horrible sewer smell starts spreading itself along Woolaston Road and into the shops. All this sends the chairman of the shop owners association into a panic, as he desperately wants things to get back to normal before the judges of a prestigious competition arrive.

Meanwhile Paddy the Rat and his pal Vinnie hope for a quiet holiday in the sewers under Woolaston Road, where they visit Vinnie's cousins Gus and Leo. Their peace is soon disturbed when a mysterious backpack full of treasure appears in the sewers, sending Gus into a frenzy. Of course the nefarious Rat Mafia soon has its eyes set on the treasure as well.

As Jacob's pal Dave tries to find the source of the sewer smell, Jacob and Emily delve deeper into the mystery of the murder, while fending off a nosey newcomer and dealing with a baffling string of seemingly unimportant...