Handfasting the Warrior Queen (Knights of Passion, #2)

Handfasting the Warrior Queen (Knights of Passion, #2)

After Zelda and her knights survive theirjourney across the sea, they find themselves in the strange realm of Koradara, where a barbaric tribe has decided that Zelda should marry their warrior queen. After getting to know the queen, however(and believing her knights to bedead),Zelda starts to like the idea of joining with the Wilde Woman in a handfasting ceremony that will make them wife and wife. Can the four Knights of Falcon save their sorceress before it is too late? Don't miss the page-turning sequel ofthis lesbian harem romance series!


They were so close, they could have kissed, and Zelda looked up into Cassandra's tense face and realized for the first time how startlingly pretty her gray eyes were, how the moonlight caught them and made them glow with flecks of light. She was also painfully aware of the knight's tight, muscular body heaving breathlessly beneath her armor. Some wild, mad part of her wanted Cassandra to pin her to the wall and kiss her. But Casandra wasn't paying attention to Zelda. The knight's serious gray eyes were narrowed. She was listening, her hand on the sword at her hip.


We should have left you behind and brought Cassandra, said Zelda, feeling cross. Gweneth was always teasing and mocking her, as if she were a silly little girl who knew nothing of the world. She hated it because Gweneth was probably right.

Do you truly wish it so? asked Gweneth, amused.

Truly! Zelda snapped. I bet Cassandra is nicer! And a better lover as well The word was cut off in her throat when Gweneth kissed her.


I don't understand her, Zelda admitted. Most knights seek a maiden to devote themselves to, as champion and lover. Why does Gweneth oppose it so?

Gweneth was hurt before, Calain answered, frowning sadly. Since then, she believes love and duty and honor to be foolish, romantic notions. She wants none of it out of fear, not because she doesn't care for you.

Gweneth cares for me? She has known me so little.

As have I and Selene. Like us, she is beginning to care, and it frightens her. She does not wish to lose control. But there isno control when it comes to love. Only devotion.