[Gutenberg 56928] • History of Frederick the Second / Called Frederick the Great.

[Gutenberg 56928] • History of Frederick the Second / Called Frederick the Great.
Abbott, John S.C.
Meyer Press
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HISTORY OF FREDERICK THE SECOND, CALLED FREDERICK THE GREAT. BY JOHN S. C. ABBOTT, AUTHOR OP TEE HISTORY OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, NAPOLEON AT ST. HELENA, ETC. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. NEW YORK HARPER BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1871. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by HARPER BROTHERS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. FREDERICK THE GREAT. MT. 73. PREFACE. IT is not surprising that many persons, not familiar with the wild and wondrous events of the past, should judge that many of the honest nar ratives of history must be fictions mere romances. But it is difficult for the imagination to invent scenes more wonderful than can be found in the annals of by-gone days. The novelist who should create such a character as that of Frederick William, or such a career as that of Fred erick the Great, would be deemed guilty of great exaggeration, and yet the facts contained in this volume are beyond all contradiction. Mr. Carlyle has written the Life of Frederick the Great in six closely printed volumes of over five hundred pages each. It is a work of much ability and accuracy. There are, however, but few persons, in this busy age, who can find time to read three thousand pages of fine type, descrip tive of events, many of which have lost their interest, and have ceased to possess any practical value. Still, the student who has leisure to peruse these voluminous annals of all the prominent actors in Europe during the reign of Frederick and of his half-insane father, will find a rich treat in the wonderfully graphic and accurate pages of Carlyle. This volume is intended to give a clear and correct idea of the man of his public and private character, and of his career. It would be diffi cult to find, in the whole range of English literature, a theme more full of the elements of entertainment and instruction. The reader of these pages will be oppressed with the consciousness of how vast a proportion of the miseries of humanity is caused by the cruelty of man to his brother man. This globe might be a very happy home for those who dwell upon it. But its history, during the last six thousand years, has presented one of the most appalling tragedies of which the imagination can conceive. Among all the renowned warriors of the past, but few can be found who have contributed more to fill the world . with desolated homes, with the moans of the dying, with the cry of the widow and the orphan, than Frederick the Great but he laid the foun dations of an empire which is at this moment the most potent upon the globe. PROPERTY OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PARENTAGE OF FREDEEICK THE GEEAT. Origin of the Prussian Monarchy. The Duchies of Brandenburg and Prussia. The Elector crowned King Frederick I. Frederick William. His Childhood, Youth, and Marriage. Birth of Fritz. Death of Frederick I. Eccentric Character of Frederick William. His defective Education. His Energy. Curious Anecdotes. Hatred of the French. Educa tion of Fritz. The Fathers Plan of Instruction Page 17 CHAPTER II. LIFE IN THE PALACE. The Palace of Wusterhausen. Wilhelmina and Fritz. Education of the Crown Prince.-Rising Dislike of the Father for his Son. The Mothers Sympathy. The double Marriage. Character of George I. The King of England visits Berlin. Wilhelminas Account of the Interview. Sad Fate of the Wife of George I. The Giant Guard. Despotism of Frederick William. The Tobacco Parliament. A brutal Scene. Death of George I. The Royal Family of Prussia. Augustus, King of Poland. Corruption of his Court. Cruel Treatment of Fritz. Insane Conduct of the King 36 CHAPTER III. THE SUFFERINGS OF FRITZ AND WILHELMINA. The King an Artist. Cruel Exactions of the King. Conflicts of Etiquette. Quarrel with George II. Nuptial Intrigues. Energetic Action of Frederick William. Marriage of Fred erica Louisa. Fritz and his Flute. Wrath of the King. Beats Wilhelmina and Fritz. Attempts to strangle Fritz. The Hunt at Wusterhausen...