[Fallen Empire 0.40] • You Are Here · Tales of Cartographic Wonders

[Fallen Empire 0.40] • You Are Here · Tales of Cartographic Wonders

Maps define our lives as they define our world.

What were once the priceless resources of a brave and lonely few as they set off into the unknown are now carried in the pockets of billions around the globe. But they were never merely lines on paper - while depicting our geography we infused them with our intelligence, our desires, our imagination, and our memories.

Yesterday, we mapped the world only after we discovered its secrets. Today we map the mind and the body, and slowly unveil the universe before we set off into its infinite domains. Maps may have changed, but they are also changeless: they will always guide us.

This anthology charts eighteen worlds which are beautiful, frightening, alien, familiar - sometimes none of these, sometimes all. These stories cover every corner of the speculative map, featuring horror, science fiction, steampunk, high fantasy and more, in styles ranging from the literary and the lyrical to the pulpy and the thrilling.

Wherever you find yourself, there's only one thing you can ever know for sure:


Now go explore...