[Where There is Love 01] • Where Love Begins

[Where There is Love 01] • Where Love Begins
Crow, Donna Fletcher
Verity Press
evangelical anglicans , eighteenth century , historical romance , english christianity , romance , christian romance
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"An intricate and tantalizing plot that brings them together, showing dramatically, yet maintaining historical accuracy of what others went through in this period of transition for Christian faith." ~ Living Streams

"A fine novel . . . Of course, you must have this book!" ~ Librarian’s World

Catherine Peronnet’s world is shaken when she learns Charles Wesley is engaged to marry another. After all, Catherine’s initials were on the list John Wesley gave to his brother listing acceptable matrimonial candidates. And that’s not all that’s wrong in Catherine’s world. As teacher at a Methodist Society school in London, she sees her brother beaten while preaching in the open air, her favorite pupil forced to leave school because of his family’s poverty, and a prisoner receive his death sentence in Newgate Prison. Catherine undertakes the joys and hardships of a circuit-ride preaching tour to Canterbury where a French invasion threatens then must face the terrors of the Great London Earthquake before coming to an understanding of the gentle calling God has for her.