[Shifters 01] • Night Shifters

[Shifters 01] • Night Shifters
Hoyt, Sarah A.
urban , fiction , fantasy , general , contemporary
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Urban fantasy with were-creatures and intrigue.  First two books in Sarah A. Hoyt's Shifter series together for the first time:  contains Draw One in the Dark, and Gentleman Takes a Chance.

There are those living secretly among us who have the power to change their physical form from that of a human to an animal, even animals thought to be mythical, such as dragons. Throughout out the ages, these shape shifters have come together to protect themselves from humans—and other shape shifters. One of those places they’ve come together is the town of Goldport, Colorado.

Draw One in the Dark

Someone—or something—has been killing shifters in large numbers, and the most ancient and powerful of shifters are converging on the Goldport to find the killer. According to their code, killing another shifter is a crime, no matter if the shifter was slaughtering humans. Now Kyrie Smith, a young panther shifter, must decide where she will stand: with her group or with humanity at large. 

Gentleman Takes a Chance

Every one of us has the beast inside. But for Kyrie Smith, the beast is no metaphor. She can shape shift into a savage, black panther. Kyrie's lonely life changes forever while waitressing at a diner in Goldport, Colorado. Investigating frantic screams from the parking lot, Kyrie stumbles upon a blood-spattered dragon crouching over a mangled human corpse. The dragon shape-shifts back into her co-worker, Tom. Now Kyrie and Tom must discover if their human sides can survive or if a war among shifters will bring out the beasts in them—permanently.

About the Sarah A. Hoyt:

“[Three Musketeers creator] Alexander Dumas would give [Sarah A. Hoyt] a thumbs up.” — Steve Forbes

“[F]anciful and charming.” — Library Journal

"First-rate space opera with a moral lesson. You won't be disappointed."— Glenn Reynolds , Instapundit.com

“[A] tour de force: logical, built from assumptions with no contradictions . . . gripping.” — Jerry Pournelle

“Exceptional, wonderful and enormously entertaining.” — Booklist