Understanding Christian History

Understanding Christian History
Fisk, Basil C.
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History can only be understood if first we have a date for the happening of the historical event, and for this reason this book begins with a chronological listing of all the principal dates of the events which have led up to, and have had influence on, Christian History.The book then progressively develops on these dates and explains the events, the first part being Before Christ, such as the Exodus from Egypt, the Establishment of the Promised Land, Bible stories and Biblical predictions. King Solomon's Temple, the Babylonian exile, the Ark of the Covenant, Events of the Old Testament, YAHWEH, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Angels and Archangels.Events covered after Jesus Christ are. King Herod of Judaea and his Temple, The Virgin Birth, the Family and Travels of Jesus Christ, the Marital Status of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, the Teaching of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Apostles, The Zealots, Bible and New Testament Scholarship, Christianity the Cult of Paul, Alexandria the Heart of Greek Egypt, Emperor Constantine, Champion of Christianity, the Great Cities of Constantinople and Ephesus, Jews at the time of Christ, and whatever happened to the Treasures of the Temple at Jerusalem.The book then makes an analysis of Christianity, comparing the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and deals with the Trinity, Heretical Deviations, The Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church, Opus Dei, the Popes, Liberation Theology, The Desposyni, or Royal Bloodline of Christ, Christian and Pagan Festivals, The Role of Women in Religion, The City of Santiago de Compostela, Freemasonry, The Symbolism of Pillars and the Planet Venus, and the Merchants of Venice.Finally, the book makes an analysis of Islam, and compares it to Christianity, and comments on the Sharia Law, the Divisions within Islam, the Expansion of Islamic Power, and What went wrong with the Islamic World? and it finalizes with events in the present conflict of Christianity versus Islam.