Tender Mercy

Tender Mercy
Storm, Kaylee
Smashwords Edition
casual sex , rough sex , teen girl old man , bondage , sexual bondage , bdsm
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Merseigh Novetsky is offered a lift by a kind old gentleman. During the trip, he convinces the young girl to come see his etchings at home. Why not, she thinks. She is going to college in a few weeks' time and she really need some money. The old man can become a limitless means of income to her. She is on the pill and there is no chance of her falling pregnant.

Why not give an old man some pleasure and get some easy money in her pocket. She was not made to work in a fish and chips shop and his proposal sounds good.

And the old man makes her feel safe. Exactly like a kindly old grandfather.

She accompanies him to see his etchings and the evening turns out exactly as she anticipated. Even better, because the old man seems to be a bull in bed.

And then it takes a very nasty turn, which she never expected...

Do not let the ordinary beginning of this book fool you. It soon turns into the ultimate erotic nightmare that might give you weird dreams for weeks afterwards.

The moral of the story is: Don't get into a car with a strange man, if you are a beautiful young girl...