[John Cooper 01] • The Wind Chill Factor

[John Cooper 01] • The Wind Chill Factor
Gifford, Thomas
mysteriouspress.com/Open Road Media
thriller , mystery , suspense , adventure
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Decades after Hitler’s fall, Nazis are still trying to kill John Cooper

His marriage destroyed by drinking, John Cooper returns to Cambridge, Massachusetts., to trying to recapture the joy he felt as an undergraduate in Harvard University’s sacred halls. He is just beginning to piece his life together when he gets a telegram calling him home to Minnesota. The message comes from Buenos Aires, and with Cooper’s family history, that can mean only one thing: Tthe Nazis are staging a comeback.

To John and his brother, their grandfather was a kind, distinguished old man. But to the American people, he was a traitor of the worst kind of traitor. An industrialist who spent the 19‘30s in business with Fascists, he became infamous as “America’s Number One Nazi.” When Hitler’s old lieutenants decide to get together a Fourth Reich, the Coopers are the first family they call. John hasn’t even made it to Minnesota when the first attempt on his life comes—a message that if he isn’t ready to honor his family legacy, he will die for it.