What would Marx do?

What would Marx do?
Southwell, Gareth
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Get life advice and a crash course on social philosophy from the great minds of every generation.

The writings of Karl Marx have seen a resurgence in popularity. After all, he lived in an uncannily familiar time, one of concentrated wealth and ultra-conservatism that oppressed the majority economically and politically. It is a time that challenges the best of us, so perhaps it is no surprise that people would turn to him for insight.

Marx is one of history's noted thinkers who devised philosophical foundations upon which rest solutions to all variety of human dilemmas. What Would Marx Do? uses 40 everyday questions as springboards to explore Marx's theories and those of the other great political and social theorists, and in the process, help us make difficult decisions.

What Would Marx Do? presents 40 situations that we might encounter which challenge our morality, free will and responsibility to society. For example:

Should I bother to vote? Who should look after the baby? Do you earn enough? My car has just been stolen! But can I hold the thieves responsible? Should I watch what I say on Twitter? Should your children benefit from your success? Is it wrong to want a bigger house? Informative accessible text and quirky illustrations, including humorous caricatures, leave readers with a better grasp on social philosophy, from Marxism and Libertarian Socialism to Populism. Using newly gained insight you will be able to cope better with the challenges of modern life, whether it is making a life-changing decision or resolving a minor problem.

With What Would Marx Do? you just turn to the question troubling you and the great philosophers will tell you what they would do.