Red Rover! Red Rover! Send the Dead Over!

Red Rover! Red Rover! Send the Dead Over!
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Before this story begins some of us may have heard of the Red Rover game that has been played long ago at many school yards. With many games there is a time when someone says "Hey why don't we play it this way?" When the game is played in a different way it becomes more exciting and you'll want to play it again. Let's move on ahead with the rules of the Red Rover game in this story and a brief history behind it. The game Red Rover began around the 19th century in school yards that consisted of two teams that would line up opposite of each other, no more than thirty feet apart. The first team agrees to call one player from the opposite team, and chants "Red Rover, Red Rover, send (players name) on over!" The person called runs to the other line and attempts to break the chain (formed by the linking of hands)." Since you have an insight as to how the game is played this is where the story begins.

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