[Rampart Worlds 02] • Orion Arm - Rampart Worlds 2

[Rampart Worlds 02] • Orion Arm - Rampart Worlds 2
May, Julian
Del Rey
science fiction , fantasy
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Julian May's Rampart Worlds space-opera romps began with *Perseus Spur* ; *Orion Arm* is volume 2. Asahel "Helly" Frost, disgraced scion of the mighty Rampart interstellar family company, again finds himself working for them as a wisecracking, spacefaring version of James Bond against the evil Galapharma corporation. Galapharma is selling priceless human know-how and DNA to the alien Haluk--cunning devils who've developed a "demiclone" process for changing reptilian Haluks into human form and vice versa. The slam-bang action moves through various cinematic set pieces: assignations in genetically enhanced brothels so lewd than even very bad men puke at the attractions offered; Frost betrayed and, instead of killed outright, left in a deathtrap with one slim chance of escape; a high-tech strike against a secret Haluk base closely resembling the one in *Perseus Spur* ; much blood and mayhem thanks to Galapharma traitors planted deep within the Rampart company and Frost's own family; murderous last-minute reversals at the crucial board meeting; and the final shoot out and offing of the arch-villain in a way that might just allow his return for book 3. *Orion Arm* offers colorful, tongue-in-cheek violence and drama which pulls you along but refuses to be taken seriously. *\--David Langford, Amazon.co.uk*