[Andrew and the Quest of Orion's Belt 03] • The Shade's Trees

[Andrew and the Quest of Orion's Belt 03] • The Shade's Trees
Autumn, Ivory
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The Declaration of Dependance has been announced. A flag of the new order as been raised. Lies abound. The shadows await to consume their own. I see a very bleak future in the times ahead. And for good reason. Andrew has been separated from my companionship, lost somewhere in the hostile land Brittlewambers, and from there, to The Shade’s forest, no doubt, where he will face his greatest test yet---to stand before The Shade and face his powerful trees. Yet, I am dubious as to the outcome, for the time of uprooting is drawing to a close. The earth can only be exposed to such poison so long before it takes hold forever. Be that as it may. I am glad to have you as a trusty companion on this journey, despite my warnings. In dark places it’s very nice to have a friend. A friend, for that is what you are. You must be an especially good sort of person, for only the best kinds of people stay with you even when the road gets bumpy. And it has a been a bumpy road. After the Canvas War, everybody got all mismatched and separated. I even had a hard time finding myself. Perhaps it would have been better if I hadn’t found myself, because I have turned out to have a dark side. Yes. A very dark side, full of revenge, and sneakery. But I won’t dwell on it. You will see all too soon what a bad Twisker I can be. Yours sincerely, Gogindy, the naughty two-faced, Twisker of the Dandelion den