[Cole Sage 05] • Cole Shoot

[Cole Sage 05] • Cole Shoot

Where Does Justice End And Vengeance Begin?

Cole and his girlfriend Kelly Mitchell go to the Chinese New Year’s Parade in San Francisco and find themselves in the middle of a shootout between two rival gangs. The violence hits close to home for Cole, as his friend Chris Ramos is killed in the gunfire. Cole sets upon the task of investigating the shootings for his newspaper, The Chronicle.

˃˃˃ The Stakes Go Way Up

Cole is aided by Anthony Perez, a young man he saved from a Southern California gang life. Cole sends Anthony into Chinatown to gather background information for the article. While asking questions, Anthony is taken prisoner by one of the gangs, The Fire Cracker Boyz.

˃˃˃ A Moral Dilemma

How far over the line is Cole willing to go to save his friend? Will he find that he has gone too far in trying to help? Once Cole opens a Pandora’s Box of violence, will he have a hard time living with the results?

˃˃˃ Cole Shoot Is A Stand Alone Novel - You Will Love The Other Books In This Series, But It Is Not Required To Read Them First To Enjoy Cole Shoot. Scroll up and grab a copy today.