Signs & Oddities · A quirky collection of flash fiction

Signs & Oddities · A quirky collection of flash fiction
Chase, Nancy
Nancy Chase
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“It’s a rain of toads, Gloria. And me without my umbrella.”

A little horror, a little humor. A dash of fantasy. A ghost story and a twisted fairy tale or two. That's what this quirky collection of flash fiction is made of. It's a mad sampling of short-short stories: the wondrous, the grim, and the wacky all compiled together in one eccentric little book.

20 tiny stories, 77 pages, 100% fun.


Signs: What are the signs that you've found The One for you?

The Horizon: Alone in a lifeboat, a shipwreck survivor descends into madness.

Lucky Day: You're late. You step in dog poop. It's just not your day. Or is it?

Self-Preservation: An actress in failing health has one last chance to preserve her beauty.

Awake: It's a dumb grownup party where everyone cries and no one gets any presents.

Voice Mail: Loreen isn't answering her phone.

The Faerie Bed: When you wed a faerie prince, you sleep in a faerie bed.

Trials: Judge, jury, lawyers, defendant. Some trials have nothing to do with the courtroom.

The Fish: An aquarium hobbyist orders a fish online. What he gets is something unexpected.

Shadows: We are always with you.

His Closet: He new husband has a secret. What is he hiding in there?

The Last Selkie: Is she really the last of the seal-folk?

The "D" Word: Dieting is enough to send a fellow off the deep end.

The Fine Print: Nobody ever reads the fine print.

Lucid: This dream feels so read.

Promises: Larry never keeps his promises.

Charybdis: Let sleeping monsters lie.

A Sudden Storm: A sailor tries to impress his date... and goes too far.

Saturday Night at Cinderella's: A hundred desperate girls and one eligible prince.

Visitation: What if you were praying and God actually showed up?