Gay Cowboys Erotic Romance 3-Pack Bundle

Gay Cowboys Erotic Romance 3-Pack Bundle
Watt, Aubrey
Smashwords Edition
romance mm , erotic mm
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Excerpt 1:

The next day Cal rose before the roosters and decided to have some leftover steak for breakfast. He was walking past Brandon’s room when he heard a voice. He stopped to peer in, which was his second mistake. His first mistake had been not making enough noise for Brandon to hear him get up. Because when he looked into the room he saw Brandon lying on his back, his hand moving rapidly under the blanket at his groin.

Cal gulped and he felt the strange stirring inside of him again. Brandon’s head was tilted back, his muscled shoulders visible above the blanket. There were beads of sweat on his upper lip, and his eyes were clenched shut in passion. As Cal watched him he saw Brandon’s lips move silently, his shoulders moving up and down with his panting breaths as he continued to work himself hard.

“Cal.” Cal started as he heard his name, but Brandon’s eyes were still shut tight. He let out another low moan. “Cal.”

Cal swallowed hard and shifted back so that he was out of sight. All he could see was Brandon’s bottom half, his body twitching under the blanket. Brandon’s bare feet were kicking against the footboard, and Cal became mesmerized by the naked toes curling against the rough wood. Then Brandon’s back arched against the bed and Cal watched as he jerked once, twice, three times and lay still, his body shuddering softly under the cover.

Tiptoeing back to his room, Cal tried hard to forget what he had seen. The image--and Brandon’s low voice full of desire--were burned into his mind, and he could not help the waves of arousal that now came crashing over him. Closing his eyes and trying to think of all of the different girls he had known, he stroked himself quickly towards his climax. As he came, though, he could not help but think of Brandon’s hands, tying the rope with thick, clumsy fingers.

Excerpt 2:

“Harder,” he whispered, tilting his head away so that Brandon wouldn’t see the tears. “Please don’t stop.”

Brandon increased the rhythm, stroking him harder and harder until his hips bucked against the hay and his cock jerked against Brandon’s hand. Arcs of electic energy pulsed across his body and flashes of white clouded his vision as his hips jumped up once, twice, his cock releasing the load into Brandon’s hot palm. He could feel Brandon’s fingers covered in his come, sliding slickly over the sensitive head. He bit his lip and clenched his eyes shut, the mixture of shame and pleasure overwhelming, his body still tensing and untensing from the climax.

Brandon kissed him tenderly on the forehead. Cal wanted to hug him, to press into him and never let go, but he shook in terror at the intensity of the feeling he believed would send him straight to hell. Lying there, his cheek against the prickling hay, he shivered at the thought.

“Don’t be afraid,” Brandon said, and Cal thought he could read minds. Or who knows; maybe he could just read Cal?

“I know what you want,” Brandon whispered, and Cal froze. Tears welled up in his eyes from some terrible place within him. You. I want you.

“I know, and it’s okay.” Again Brandon pressed a kiss to his temple, getting up to leave and wiping his sticky hand on his jeans. He stopped in the doorway to look back at Cal once, and then he was gone, leaving Cal alone on the floor of the hayloft.