[Emmie Reese Mystery 01] • First Blush

[Emmie Reese Mystery 01] • First Blush
Stewart, Robert Bruce & Meegs, M.E.
Street Car Mysteries
humour , mystery
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The writing career of M.E. Meegs began in the **fall of 1900**, when her first short pieces appeared in English newspapers. By this time, the intrepid young woman—in her guise as Emmie Reese—had already become a featured player in a series of mysteries, some of which would be recounted in her own inimitable voice. It is her subtle transformation from fictional New Woman to postmodern authorial surrogate which this important volume so scrupulously documents.

Here you will find not only the three Emmie Reese Mystery short stories—*The Birth of M.E. Meegs*, *Hidden Booty*, and *Psi no more*—but also her unique newspaper reportage, her pioneering foray into the world of the literary magazine, and, most vitally, the opening novella of her greatest work of all.

*Babes at Sea* is the first installment of what Meegs promises will be the crowning glory of her nascent, yet universally acclaimed, career: the great novaplex, Byblos Foretold. This groundbreaking *chef d’œuvre* is not simply a revolutionary new form—though it is that—but also a work of rarest distinction.

What a treat lies in store for those discerning souls wise enough to get their hands on this gem of a volume!

For more on the mystery series, visit: **HarryReeseMysteries.com**

And for more on The Great Novaplex, visit: **ByblosForetold.com**