[Gutenberg 60388] • History of the Peninsular War, Volume 3 (of 6)

[Gutenberg 60388] • History of the Peninsular War, Volume 3 (of 6)
Southey, Robert
1807-1814 , peninsular war
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1828 edition. Excerpt: ... Chap. Fortunately the enemy gave him time; they were delayed by the expectation of Victor's ad Aprli. vance, by Silveira's movements, and by ill news duei of from Galicia; and Trant profited by their inFrench. activity to guard the bridges, remove the boats, and bring over the flocks and herds of that pastoral country from the northern bank, the owners assisting in this the more readily when they saw some of their cattle seized by the French. Whether it were that Marshal Soult despaired of conciliating the people whom he came to invade and enslave, or if the system of severity was more congenial to his own temper as well as to that of the tyrant whom he served, he endeavoured at this time to intimidate them by measures as atrocious as those which his predecessor Junot had pursued. Such Portugueze as he suspected of communicating either with Trant or Silveira were hung from the trees along the road side, with or without proof, and their bodies left to putrefy there, all persons being forbidden to bury them. Deep as was the detestation of such enemies which this conduct excited, there were other actions at this time which excited, if possible, a stronger feeling of indignant abhorrence. A party of disbanded militia, with a Portugueze LieutenantColonel at their head, surprised a chefd'escadron near the village of Arrifana, and killed him and three dragoons of his escort. He was one of the Lameth family, so noted in the first stage of the French revolution; and having been Soult's aide-de-camp, had served in the Penin- Chap. VI Y sula with a zeal which could never have been - !-- employed in a worse cause. Having been a fa- TMTM it had...