[Fiction Writing Basics 03] • Nine Day Novel · Writing · How to Structure and Write Your Novel Faster

[Fiction Writing Basics 03] • Nine Day Novel · Writing · How to Structure and Write Your Novel Faster
Windsor, Steve & Cartwright, Lise
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
нонфикшн , creative writing , writing
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**Are you ready yet?**

Are you tired of waiting for the novel in your head to magically appear? Tired of being told to “write a little bit a day every day?” How’s that advice working for you? It’s not … is it?

If it *was* , your novel would be done. But I hear you. When I first learned how to write a novel, that “helpful” information … wasn't. I went slowly, plodded along, writing a little each day like all the authors told me to. Then I would get disinterested or distracted and my novel would get DEStructed!

You’ve listened to the podcasts, taken the writing workshops, read how to write a novel guides, but your novel still isn't written. Are you *still* waiting for that “1 hour a day” conventional wisdom to pay off?

**Let's face it, it's a new ballgame for indie authors!**

A numbers game. The number of books you publish, reviews you get, and downloads you can expect are all partly a function of how many words you write—how many books you publish. Conventional “wisdom” is getting us indie authors nowhere.

**It’s time to take a different approach!**

Wouldn't it be great to have something to show for all your hard work? Forget ***next* ** year! What about sitting down to proofread your first draft next ***week?* **

That's what this book offers. That's what I want to show you how to do, because I've been there.

In this step-by-step writing workshop—feels more like boot camp adrenaline sprint—Steve Windsor walks you through how he writes novels in 9 “days.” With concrete examples of how to apply story structure, outlining, and plotting, you learn to drive your hero through his or her story.

You CAN write a novel in less time than it takes you to need your next haircut. Steve shows you how blockbuster novels and movies use a formula that’s as old as Aristotle to produce hits.

**Packed with examples!**

Using examples from his own novels, best selling books… He even makes up a story right before your eyes! Steve is a hands on hardcore writer who will show you just how “easy” it is.

Make no mistake, the *Nine Day Novel* series isn’t for everyone. Some people like pacing themselves on their way to the death of their dreams of becoming an author. Then again, you aren’t them.

**In this motivational writer’s retreat disguised as a fast-paced writing workshop, you'll learn:**

How story structure can help you write faster.

Through mainstream examples and Steve’s own brand of “Darth Vader” humor, *Nine Day Novel* will keep you pumped up to write.

And the FREE resources?

Inside the *Nine Day Novel* , you’ll get access to a starter file for one of the most popular writing software packages out there—Scrivener. Rather than spending hours or even days learning and creating a story structure outline, Steve did it for you.

**There's not one, but *three* FREE writing tools to download inside!**

So whether you are a yet to be discovered best