[Gutenberg 55693] • Flash Evans and the Darkroom Mystery

[Gutenberg 55693] • Flash Evans and the Darkroom Mystery
Bell, Frank
Cupples & Leon
photojournalists -- juvenile fiction
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Introducing a new series of flashing mystery and adventure stories by a promising new writer, whose clever plots, compelling action and staccato style impel us to predict that the FLASH EVANS books will be a sure-fire "hit" with boy readers all over the country.

The hero is Flash Evans, a sixteen-year old boy, who is as human and real and likeable as any boy you ever met. Starting his career as a newspaper cameraman on The Brandale Ledger, Flash pursues the trail of adventure and mystery, getting the news in pictures. Later, he transfers to newsreel work.

You'll find Flash Evans wherever news is breaking—covering fires, bank robberies, ocean disasters, strikes, floods, earthquakes, and in the war zones shooting pictures of land battles, air raids and submarine attacks.