Rich brother rich sister · Two different paths to God, money and happiness

Rich brother rich sister · Two different paths to God, money and happiness
Kiyosaki, Robert T. & Kiyosaki, Emi
Vanguard Press
happiness , wealth , faith , lifestyles , alternative lifestyles , biography , business , inspirational , self help
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Two worlds collide -- Robert: for love and money -- Emi: sound body, healthy spirit -- Born into history -- War and peace -- New answers to old questions -- Heaven on earth -- Transforming paths -- Broken promises -- Visions for the future -- Food for the journey -- Leaps of faith -- Enlightenment for a fuller life -- Heaven, hell, and happiness -- Life and death -- Finding your spiritual family -- Karma, nirvana, and past lives -- The end of greed -- A change of heart;Two Japanese Americans combines the true life stories of Robert Kiyosaki and his sister [Barbara] Emi into one book that attests to a belief in the power of purpose, the importance of action, and the ability to overcome all obstacles in a quest for wealth, both financial and spiritual. "While Robert took the path of war during the Vietnam era, Emi took the path of peace, exploring alternative and spiritual journeys," and is now known by her Buddhist ordination name, Bhikshuni Tenzin Kacho. -- Publisher info

Together, then apart, then together again, as a brother and a sister discover the riches of life. Rich Brother Rich Sister combines the inspirational, true life stories of Robert Kiyosaki and his sister Emi Kiyosaki (Venerable Tenzin Kacho) into a book that will reaffirm your belief in the power of purpose, the importance of action, and the ability to overcome obstacles in a quest for a rich financial and spiritual life.In 1962, the United States detonated an atomic bomb ten miles off the coast of Christmas Island in the South Pacific. From that moment, two people, born of the same parents into the same household with the same childhood experiences, found themselves on distinctly different paths toward God, money, and happiness. Robert became a world-famous entrepreneur, author, and teacher of all things financial. Emi became a highly devout Buddhist nun, author, and teacher of all things spiritual.

This book will inspire you along your own life’s journey as you search for your own truths, purpose, and path to wealth—both financial and spiritual—to achieve all the riches of life that were meant for you...and us all.