Lawless Lands · Tales From the Weird Frontier

Lawless Lands · Tales From the Weird Frontier

A wild ride through the weird western world with New York Times Bestsellers Seanan McGuire, Faith Hunter, and 18 other amazing writers of western stories!

The cry of coyotes at moonrise.

The whistle of the eastbound train.

The heat of the desert sun.

The western is the quintessential American literary genre, and now we're turning it on its head. From sentient tumbleweeds to time-traveling schoolmarms, desert demons to werejaguars, space-faring herd drivers to gunslinger justice, there's something for everyone.

Featuring many of the best writers in speculative fiction today, saddle up for the thrills – we're going to take you on a wild ride through a West that never was.

Lawless Lands includes 20 mind-bending weird western stories including -

Desert Gods by Aubrey Campbell

Railroad by Matthew J. Hockey

Pixie Season by Seanan McGuire

The Men with No Faces by Alexandra Christian

Lost Words by David B. Coe

Boots of Clay by Laura Anne Gilman

Trickster's Choice by Jo Gerrard

Wolves Howling in the Night by Faith Hunter

To Hear a Howling a Howling Herd by Gunnar De Winter

Calliope Stark:Bone Tree Bounty Hunter by Edmund R. Schubert

Cards and Steel Hearts by Pamela Jeffs

Bloodsilver by A. E. Decker

Volunteered by B. S. Donovan

The Stranger in the Glass by Dave Beynon

Belly Speaker by Nicole Givens Kurtz

Walk the Dinosaur by John G. Hartness

The Time Traveling Schoolmarms of Marlborough County by Barb Hendee

Rainmaker by Margaret S. McGraw

Out of Luck by Jeffrel Hall

Rollin' Death by Jake Bible

Featuring twenty original western short stories from new worlds and the familiar worlds of Faith Hunter's Jane Yellowrock novels, Laura Anne Gilman's The Devil's West series, and John G. Hartness' Bubba the Monster Hunter series, Lawless Lands is a weird western anthology with something for everyone.