YARDROF_Chapter-One_FREE is a free eBook. Randall Kazamp is a boy who makes an Earthly- unearthly discovery that universally turns out to be just a part of his growing up. The science fiction story takes place in the town of Yardrof, within an environment setting of the first quarter of the twenty-second century. From the Kazamp backyard, where Randall Kazamp helps his father, Peter Kazamp--a scientist, tend his goldenrain trees, to Randall's help as 'the breaking molds' by his entrance into a rather hushed radar telescope site located in his hometown, and then off in scope to a parallel world that Randall helps bring into focus in one apparent mode that results with an official glimpse--might all be described as strange in this story. But following his helpful acts, Randall strangely, though naturally his best, helpfully helps himself to his very own--his mind that's on course to being a man's.