What Matters Most

What Matters Most

Jolene Spencer had been perplexed from the first mention of Micah Abrams. Why would a grown man uproot his life and move two states over at the urging of Jo's momma? How did he and Ma even meet? And he's raising a daughter by himself. Where is the child's momma and how does she fit into his plans?

When Jo first sees him standing on the front porch, staring like a deer caught in the headlights and seemingly unable to speak, she pegs him as a shy one. But then he walks in with a confident swagger and mingles with her family like he's been there all his life.

Jo finds herself falling for the stranger and his adorable little girl. A dream that had been tucked away and forgotten about suddenly seems within her grasp. Then her worst sin is exposed, and it all turns to ash. She's not the woman she once was, but does that even matter? Micah seems willing to set her mistakes aside, but can she forgive herself?