[Cycles Of Time 01] • Sky Fall

[Cycles Of Time 01] • Sky Fall

When sixteen-year-old Dee finds herself underwater, she hardly expects to be lost from the island she and her school group were visiting—much less find herself stranded in an unknown world. All she wanted to do was take a break from her crazy schedules. Then there was Yaj—who was now her frenemy, whom she was trying very hard to forget. It was an impossible feat—considering he was with her, along with two other friends Sam and Ray, lost in the same unknown world.

Dee and her three friends explore the place to find help, and encounter the cursed... With journey to a mystical forest on a quest, and an ocean adventure with an evil demon gunning for her, will Dee and her friends find their way back home?

Based on Indian mythology, Sky Fall is the first of the four part series.